KinesoTape is not just for professional athletes. It can be a useful tool for those of you who are construction workers, desk workers, nurses, teachers, servers, and even pregnant mamas. I often use KinesoTape in conjunction with massage and chiropractic adjustment for the best results. It is a service we gladly provide in our office.
What is KTape?
KTape (short for KinesoTape) is an elastic cloth fiber adhesive tool that is used for therapeutic benefit for many musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. KTape was discovered in the 1970's by a chiropractor named Dr. Kenzo Kase who theorized that it would mimic his hands on the spine.

Characteristics of KTape:
Ability to stretch to 120-140% of its original length
Recoil back to the anchor that is applied without stretch
Heat activated adhesive
Hypoallergenic dyes that make the tape safe for most users
Drying time after being wet is about 5-10 minutes
Can be worn for several days
Theory of Physiological Effects:
The Gate Control Theory of pain suggested when tension is applied by the tape causes a sensation on the skin that actually blocks pain signals from reaching our conscious awareness. This is similar mechanism to topical analgesics like Biofreeze, ice and heat, and electric muscle stimulation. Another theory is that is changes the tension on the fascial planes and frees up areas of tissue that may be stagnant or restricted. There is fascial connective tissue covering every structure of our bodies that aid it to glide and move. It's similar to Saran wrap around each muscle and around groups of muscles. When these get stuck its almost like Velcro between two muscles which prevent it from moving and functioning properly. KTape helps to lift, pull, and separate fascia and muscles to increase blood flow and healing.
KTape should be applied by a trained professional due to its complex nature. There is a variety of ways to tape for certain conditions so seeking care from a trusted professional can determine which would be best for you. There is also a varying amount of stretch that should be applied to certain areas to have the most therapeutic effect.
A study found that KTape was shown to provide clinical pain relief at a level that other minimally invasive modalities might. The pain relief provided was not as significant as manual therapy like chiropractic care and exercise but it allows some relief which helps a patient progress through a treatment plan with more ease. I also like using KT preventatively. If you have an injury that is healing but not quite healed yet KT tape can help protect that area from future trauma and stabilize it without limiting movement. I commonly use it for mid-back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, posture issues, rib pain, rib fractures, ankle sprains, pulled/torn muscles, swelling, and during pregnancy. We would be happy to answer any additional questions you have about KTape! Check out the links below for a more detailed explanation.
From the desk of Dr. Lisette Miller Kondrad. Dr. Miller is a licensed Chiropractic Physician and Board Certified Acupuncture Provider who has been in clinical practice for over 7 years. She has helped hundreds of patients through chiropractic care and acupuncture. Click here to contact Clark Road Chiropractic Center with any questions or to schedule your appointment!